Chat GPT and AI for marketers

Trainingsinhoud: Chat GPT and AI for marketers

This ChatGPT course for marketers is specially designed for everyone in the marketing field. You know that AI can support you in your marketing tasks, but you’re not quite sure how.

In this course, you will learn the basic fundamentals of AI, create prompts for copywriting and content creation, and delve into ethics, privacy, and legislation surrounding AI.

The training program includes:

  • Introduction to ChatGPT and OpenAI
  • Exploration of ChatGPT capabilities
  • Discussion of privacy and GDPR-related aspects of OpenAI
  • Underlying workings of ChatGPT
  • Differences between version 3.5 and 4.0 of ChatGPT
  • Formulating effective prompts and instructions for ChatGPT
  • Ten prompts for marketing purposes
  • Training ChatGPT to recognize your writing style
  • Using ChatGPT for copywriting
  • Creating unique and engaging visual content with AI
  • Working with AI-based photo generation tools
  • The ethical and societal implications of ChatGPT
  • Other AI tools you can use within your marketing processes
  • What you can achieve with Google Bard and Bing Chat
  • Risks and opportunities related to AI
  • Practical tips for the daily use of ChatGPT.

Full table of contents (PDF) »

If this doesn’t fully align with your needs and requirements, our experienced training advisors are happy to develop a training program in consultation with you, tailored to your practical situation, with the aim of achieving optimal learning outcomes.

Doelgroep: Chat GPT and AI for marketers

This Chat GPT training is intended for marketers, copywriters and professionals who want to use ChatGPT for their work and want to improve their efficiency.

Inschrijven: Chat GPT and AI for marketers

Unfortunately, we do not currently offer this training in an open schedule format. However, we do provide other options for you to attend this training. Please contact us for more information.

Incompany en Maatwerk

We understand that every organization is unique with specific needs and challenges. That is why we can provide all training in-company and have tailor-made solutions available for every training. These flexible training methods are designed to perfectly meet the specific needs of your organization and employees.

In-company and custom solutions

  • Course

    Chat GPT and AI for marketers
  • Duration

    1 day
  • Investment

    € 595,00